Thursday, April 21, 2011


Love, laughter,
Seduction, erudition,
Pleasure, closure,
Peace, protection,
Passion, devotion,
Selfish deviation,
Practical satisfaction,
Comfort, camaraderie,
Effortless bonds,

Profound power,
to act and react,
on what matters most.
Stub ridicule,
Spite sarcasm,
Erase negativity,
Glow in the glory,
Of undemanding goodwill.

To smile with eyes.
To leave behind a soul.
To be craved when here.
And to remain when gone.


bendedspoon said...

Wonderful cravings! I love this one especially 'to remain when gone' :)

Rashmi said...

Wonderful poem....the last four is simply superb....
"To smile with the eyes
to leave behind a soul
To be craved when here'
and to remain when gone"...

Here is mine....

Anonymous said...

These lines are wonderfully put together. The way you meshed some of these words in the same line, some of them opposites almost was great. Excellent!

Vinay Leo R. said...

I agree with Rashmi :-) You took the whole poem's beauty and doubled it in those last four lines! Very nice!

My Post Is Here

Unknown said...

YES! Beauty and power and living life authentically. Well done!

Jingle said...

beautiful ..
love the texture and beauty of life in your work.
have fun.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there is such music to your words.

k2king said...

I liked the juxtaposition of your words, the contrast, the fluidity.
It is like music.

Anonymous said...

sounds like an awesome wish! :)
Great work my dear :) the words will remain in my mind here

Jeanne said...

I especially like the last two stanzas. It is reminder of how to live a good life and own your power.
nice job

Anonymous said...

good one! my thursday post :

Alcina said...

Craving in it's full form...Nice work!


Unknown said...

great poem definatley left an impression here ..thank you

Henry Clemmons said...

Thanks. Great poetic advice. Inspiring.

Anonymous said...

" ...To smile with eyes.
To leave behind a soul.
To be craved when here.
And to remain when gone."

lovely imagery and sentiments!

The Poet said...

Beautiful cravings. Ending was most effective.

Aaron Davis said...

Upon seeing the title, Cravings, I immediately have in mind the sort of things this poem might mention. I love how your poem flowed from those things at the start to a much deeper ending!

Li said...

Succinct and nice flow to the words!

Anonymous said...

I think that's what we are all looking for - to be remembered for what we are when we leaves. Seemingly random but capturing all our inner thoughts.
Thanks Nonsensefile!

Lu Ann said...

Oh! Wise, wise words!
I liked it a lot. Beautiful words matched beautifully ;)

Happy Rally!

Lu Ann

Irfanuddin said...

excellent compilation....

loved the flow you maintained with relative words here....

Bets wishes,

Anonymous said...

composition and connection is great.the words can talk more than sentences do..........

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