Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Searching for solace,
Turning a page,
I dipped into the world
Of incessant beauty.

Away from the cares
Of mundane chores, 
The words took me,
To a land unknown,
Climes unseen,
And men of dreams.

The verdant meadows,
Sparkling sunshine,
Reflecting a piece of heaven,
Invited languid strolls,
Hushed embraces,
And promises umpteen.

Rousing the blunted 
Embers of emotion,
Longings for passion,
Unbound recreation,
The senses danced up
To a trance.

Groped in the grip
Of this sensuous treat,
My senses revoked,
As I smelled,
Pungent carrots,
Burning right in front! 

I am ecstatic! Thanks Jingle for the award! Here is the second poem as required...

Breaking Boundaries

Cease mentally dissecting!
Give chance to the voice within.
You may shed a tear,
You may end up hurt,
You may break a heart,
But never will you regret;
For once you did what you wanted
And never have to ponder "what if i did".


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

visual and vivid imagery,
welcome to poets rally.

please read the agreement and enjoy the fun.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem! I saw in your blog that you describe yourself as a 'passionate dreamer' and the sounds of this poem capture that magnificently! The use of sibilance and sensory description really do carry the reader into your masterful world of distraction. I love the subtle humour of the last stanza to bring us carefully back to reality.

Thank you for sharing.

GLH :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! You firstly lead the reader to the beautiful and inspiring world just to get him right back to the reality at the end. Fascinating journey!

Nonsensefile!! said...

Thank you all for dropping by and leaving your thoughts. Means the world to me! Am glad you enjoyed the poem. This was inspired by the conflicts of catering to mundane household chores that eat up on the time i enjoy spending in the world of the written word. The escapist in me finds pleasures in the world of words and dreams :)

Going right onto each of your blogs and returning the gesture!

Nonsensefile!! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

your words are deep and apt.
keep it up.

share your work with poets rally today.

Anonymous said...


You have won The Perfect Poet Award Week 42, Due to your performance in the present or previous Poets Rally!

Please leave a link under the award post after you take it,

This award will Not be given to poets who reject it or previously rejected it.

Happy Writing, Thanks for the support!

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...

way to go..

well done.
